Just re-watched

Just re-watched most of the series over the last few weeks and, although I really enjoyed it all as it aired and was sad to see it go off the air, I found that I enjoyed the slightly darker (not dark, but darker), less manic vibe of the pilot and most of the first season to the loopier, higher-energy vibe of the rest. Would love to see a dark side of Eureka series -- even elevator camera shots where different and lighter after the first couple episodes.


I liked both vibes, but probably wouldn't have minded if it stayed darker for the whole series. One of the creators of the show seemed to feel it was necessary to make it a lighter show. Maybe with the storylines and scientific mishaps they had planned, a lighter feel was necessary to make it all work.


Agreed, just re-watched the pilot and thought the same thing. I liked the series, but it definitely got goofy the last few seasons. It may as well have been a show about magic, not science.


After a couple run thrus, I still love the show. I do find myself liking Grant with each run a little more. Kudos to the actor.


I agree. I didn't think I'd like him at first, but he fit in well. James Callis is the actor's name.
