MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > Does It Get Funnier?

Does It Get Funnier?

I haven't posted on any message boards in a while, but I wanted to get fans' opinions. I watched Alphas a while ago and kind of enjoyed it, and I watched the first 3 seasons of Warehouse 13 recently and loved it. Since the 3 shows are set in the same universe, I decided to start on Eureka while waiting for the last 2 seasons of Warehouse 13. I had heard that Alphas was the drama, Eureka was the comedy, and Warehouse 13 was somewhere between the two.

I've seen 5 episodes of Eureka so far, and I'm not impressed. There have been very few moments that I've found funny so far, and I'm not a fan of many of the characters. I like Jo and Henry, but I hate Zoe, and I don't like Carter or any of the others too much. I liked Fargo on Warehouse 13, but I find him obnoxious on Eureka. I also really hated the plot about the school play with the bratty child director. I thought Warehouse 13 was way funnier.

I felt the same way when I tried Community- I found it no where near as funny as I expected it to be- and the opposite when I tried Twin Peaks- I expected a suspenseful drama and found the actual show too cheesy. I saw the posts on here where others compared Eureka to Fringe. That surprised me because Fringe is my favorite show. I even enjoyed the earlier "weaker" episodes and never considered giving it up like I am for Eureka.

Five episodes isn't a lot, and I want to like this show, but I'm afraid I just don't see what others do in Eureka. Anyway, all this rambling just to ask, should I continue with Eureka or is it just not for me?


Coming from fan of the show I actually do agree with some of your character opinions. Zoe does start out being the annoying little delinquent, but she does become a better more likable character. Fargo is Fargo, he becomes less annoying to a certain degree, but he was never a favorite of mine either. What stopped me in my tracks was you not liking Sheriff Carter. IMO he is one the more likable characters on TV. I'd say give it a few more episodes as I think it is one of the more clever original shows out there. On the other hand if you don't find the show funny by now it may not be the show for you.

*- Weddings are like funerals. Only you can smell your own flowers.
~Nick O'Malley


If you don't like carter stop watching now, he is the funniest character by far and a type of actor we don't get to see on TV anymore. Definitely some hilarious moments coming up with him. And I find I liked Zoe and Jo at first but then they get extremely annoying



The show really isn't all that funny outside of Carter; But it's a Fun show in general. It's easy to watch, has some great drama, some really interesting scientific experiments, etc...

I didn't watch this show because I was looking for the next best comedy, but because I wanted to watch something that was light yet dramatic and fulfilled me intellectually. Honestly that comment doesn't really give the show justice, but I sort of look at that series like I looked at SG1 from Star Gate. Just a great show, doesn't really fit into 1 genre.


If you don't like carter stop watching now, he is the funniest character by far and a type of actor we don't get to see on TV anymore. Definitely some hilarious moments coming up with him. And I find I liked Zoe and Jo at first but then they get extremely annoying

That about sums it up for me, too. I didn't think it was possible, but Carter got even funnier towards the end. Colin Ferguson knocked it out of the park.
