Does It Get Funnier?
I haven't posted on any message boards in a while, but I wanted to get fans' opinions. I watched Alphas a while ago and kind of enjoyed it, and I watched the first 3 seasons of Warehouse 13 recently and loved it. Since the 3 shows are set in the same universe, I decided to start on Eureka while waiting for the last 2 seasons of Warehouse 13. I had heard that Alphas was the drama, Eureka was the comedy, and Warehouse 13 was somewhere between the two.
I've seen 5 episodes of Eureka so far, and I'm not impressed. There have been very few moments that I've found funny so far, and I'm not a fan of many of the characters. I like Jo and Henry, but I hate Zoe, and I don't like Carter or any of the others too much. I liked Fargo on Warehouse 13, but I find him obnoxious on Eureka. I also really hated the plot about the school play with the bratty child director. I thought Warehouse 13 was way funnier.
I felt the same way when I tried Community- I found it no where near as funny as I expected it to be- and the opposite when I tried Twin Peaks- I expected a suspenseful drama and found the actual show too cheesy. I saw the posts on here where others compared Eureka to Fringe. That surprised me because Fringe is my favorite show. I even enjoyed the earlier "weaker" episodes and never considered giving it up like I am for Eureka.
Five episodes isn't a lot, and I want to like this show, but I'm afraid I just don't see what others do in Eureka. Anyway, all this rambling just to ask, should I continue with Eureka or is it just not for me?