MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > Working my way through - A question!

Working my way through - A question!

So I'm currently working my way through Eureka on Netflix, I really like the show. I'm up to Season 2, and I was the storylines ever get any variation? So far, EVERY episode features something that will cause a catastrophe! It kind of ruins the dramatic impact when it happens every time....



yeah, this show is like half sitcom half not. I think every episode, some type of catastrophe happens; But, there are other (intertwining) story lines that last full seasons & multiple seasons.


There is a fairly consistent formula to the show, but there are several episodes that vary from the core formula. Especially when you get further into the series with the timeline changes, etc. It's meant to be a light and fun show, although the plot does drift into some deep/heavy territory at times.

You have to remember that all TV shows were made to be watched once a week. You get spoiled on Netflix because you can watch however many episodes a day until you're done.

I just finished the series last night, and I'm sad it's over. I'm ready for Fringe Season 5 now!


I just started working my way through this show too. I just got to the clip show. There some changes from time to time but it mostly same thing every episode.




You want to stick with it. all the greats have some pattern, in how they go about the individual show. But they also mix in some plots that tie some shows together for a bigger plot. Eureka has a few of those "bigger plots". You'll be glad, and sad to see it end.


I just got to Season 4. I like it more than Season 3 and there is much more continuation in the episodes. Zoe is gone and I don't miss her at all. It's better without her.
There is still a catastrophe every week but it seems much better.


Yeah, season 3 is okay, but season 4 is definitely better. I love the story arc in season 4. That said, I feel like watching season 3 now since it's been a while. lol


I find myself annoyed at that too, but in most shows: Castle, Haven, Eureka, Bones, etc...

I tend to enjoy shows most when they take a few episodes to tackle a catastrophe and Eureka does do that in the later seasons. On top of having "intertwining" full length season plots.

So it won't happen EVERY time, but like 90% of it yes.
