Sheriff Andy

Who was your fav,Ty Olsson or Kavan Smith's version of Sheriff Andy???


I actually liked them both. Ty Olsson made a pretty big impression in his short time as Andy which speaks to his skill as an actor. I had seen him in a recurring role on Supernatural and for the longest time I literally did not realize that it was the same actor. That's saying something, because I'm great with faces. I usually can peg just about any actor or actress that I've ever seen inside a minute of seeing them in something else. I thought that Kavan Smith did admirably at making the role his own, especially since Ty's version of Andy seemed to have become a fan favorite. I was actually very disappointed when I saw that they had changed actor's, but Kavan grew on me, and his version of Andy easily and comfortably fits into the Eureka family.


Ty Olsson was my one of my absolute favorite people in this series after his first episode. I was incredibly happy when he came back again, then disappointed when Andy was "reskinned" and portrayed by Smith. Ultimately it worked out since the character of Andy went through some changes (lol) and Smith turned out to be well suited for that version of Andy.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.
