Vince Got Screwed - But not literally!
I finished all five seasons a couple of days ago. Vince (Chris Gauthier) was required to lisp through every season and every episode, but never once did he get a chance at a relationship! Now, granted, he didn't have the looks of the other leading characters (maybe they should have cast someone else) but I felt the character deserved a boyfriend. Every other major character had a relationship - even the house! - so why not Vince?
Vince came across as warm, friendly and personable. He was a great cook and it appeared as if he had a few cute young guys working for him at Cafe Diem. I don't understand why they wanted a gay character if all he was going to do was run the cafe and lisp! Were they afraid it would turn people off? Is it OK to infer a character is gay, but not show any actual gay behavior? Seems like development of the character was cut short.