MovieChat Forums > Eureka (2006) Discussion > Vince Got Screwed - But not literally!

Vince Got Screwed - But not literally!

I finished all five seasons a couple of days ago. Vince (Chris Gauthier) was required to lisp through every season and every episode, but never once did he get a chance at a relationship! Now, granted, he didn't have the looks of the other leading characters (maybe they should have cast someone else) but I felt the character deserved a boyfriend. Every other major character had a relationship - even the house! - so why not Vince?

Vince came across as warm, friendly and personable. He was a great cook and it appeared as if he had a few cute young guys working for him at Cafe Diem. I don't understand why they wanted a gay character if all he was going to do was run the cafe and lisp! Were they afraid it would turn people off? Is it OK to infer a character is gay, but not show any actual gay behavior? Seems like development of the character was cut short.


Remember the episode where the spores made Carter irresistible? Weird how Vince didn't get all up on him too....



That's because Vince, regardless of his sexuality, was still male. The thing that was happening with the spores only affected female physiology not male.


I always wondered that exact same thing because when Carter is walking around GD or with Fargo, it looks like one of the male security guards is checking him out.
