MovieChat Forums > The Jammed (2007) Discussion > Such a shame this won't be relesed in th...

Such a shame this won't be relesed in theatres.

I would love to support this film and others like it, by paying to see it at the theatre. I hope it gets picked up and distributed by theatres in Sydney.

I was hoping the Dendy might pick it up, but I haven't heard that they are yet. Anyone heard anything?
I might just have to wait until it comes out on DVD...but that will be very limited release as well.

It's such a shame that a film with so much to say, that people poured so much work into might only get to be seen by a hand full of people.



But I said in a separate post, the film has had rave reviews, and it looks as though there might be a bidding war for its proper distribution. So it might just get a second wind, as well as a possible national cinematic release, the way things are going!!!

I'm off to see it tonight... it might be chilly here down south, but we are lucky enough to get all of those obscure film releases :-)


lucky you

I doubt it will get shown in Perth.



It was not shot on film but rather on HDV (video). Probably why it did not get a release is because it costs so much to convert.

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