MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Does the Dallas Buyers Club still operat...

Does the Dallas Buyers Club still operate?

Or any buyers clubs in America?


I don't believe so since they have found the "triple cocktail" that works so well and doctors prescribe it. Back then the clubs were around because you couldn't just go to your doc and get an rx for those drugs. Plus now, there are better drugs than what the clubs had.


Was just wondering if any buyers clubs were still around in trading meds yet to be distributed to the public.

Like treatments for food allergies. Nexvax2 is in testing in some countries and not due to be manufactured in wider aspects till 2017.


I asked my doc to be tested for food allergies but he said it wasn't possible. Is it because of my insurance?


You might want to see an allergist, not a general practitioner. My ENT does some allergy testing in-office, so ENTs might be another option.


Im in the UK so prob last to get the treatment!! However I've read that in Australia and Japan they're testing a new vaccine for wheat intolerance, was wondering if it was available anywhere. I was however tested on the nhs for this and was diagnosed within a week. Anyhow's like commented below they're prob focused on profit if they are.


None with noble intentions specifically catering to the hiv-community. But sure, there are countless charlatans and illegal drug dealers scattered all about. Some undoubtedly believe in the restorative qualites of whatever they're hawking but for most, profit margin is the impetus.
