Name One Soviet-Bloc Country That Pioneered In AIDS Drugs 1981-1991
Zero! Thought so.
What country was in the lead in sending AIDS medication to Africa?
Tired of Commies using the internet (Invented by the United States and our Western Allies) to spread Communist AGITPROP -АГИТПРОП) that means Agitation Propaganda.
In the late 80's and throughout the 90's, federal funding for AIDS always took a much greater public focus than funding cancer research and other terrible diseases. I am in no way against public funding of research in treating or even curing AIDS but Communist societies were and are today very homophobic. As for Muslims... I don't even want to got there.
The first time the Soviet Union's TASS news agency covered AIDs (mid-80's) it blamed foreigners for bringing AIDS into the USSR and their public declaration is that "There Is No Homosexuality in the Soviet Union" - TASS (sometime in the mid eightees and they downplayed that they had a heroin problem yet many Soviet soldiers came back from Afghanistan hooked on heroin.