I'm irritated with the

implication that he was straight. the scene in the beginning when he was looking at the rodeo guy lead me to believe he was gay. and then the scene in the trailer when his friend was screwing the girls and he wasn't.....gay.

I'm UPSET with the vagueness. The truth of the matter is NO ONE contracts HIV from a woman from s e x unless they have oral sex with an already infected woman ON HER PERIOD
I worked at a clinic as a volunteer and we had training. It is basically IMPOSSIBLE for a straight man to contract HIV from a woman. IMPOSSIBLE.

this movie is IRRESPONSIBLE in their portrayal

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde


He took heroin intravenously. That is likely how he got it


was that in the movie, did I miss something? I thought he snorted cocaine?

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde


You were misinformed and/or are spreading misinformation.


PS: In the movie, after he is diagnosed, there is a flashback scene in which we see the needle marks on a prostitute he is having sex with. That is presumably how he contracted the virus. He was (probably / as far as we are shown) not shooting up himself.
Obviously, based on how we as an audience get to know the guy, there will have been a lot of prostitutes in this man's life and any one of them could have actually been 'the one'.

I don't know, Butchie, instead.


Female to male HIV transmission is practically unknown. The exaggeration of the risk is entirely for political purposes and not based on known science.

Epidemiology is pretty clear on this, virtually all HIV cases since the 80s can be traced to one of two primary modes, anal sex and sharing of blood products, usually by illicit intravenous drug use. It is certainly possible to transmit HIV by heterosexual anal sex, but the female is the at-risk party with very little, probably zero, risk on the part of the male. The suggestion in the film that Woodruff contracted AIDS as a result of a sexual encounter with a female IV drug users is laughable. The number of men who have contracted HIV as a result of vaginal sex: zero.

The sources of this myth are multiple. Initial data taken in the late 80s suggested that HIV was spreading to the heterosexual population. In truth, the data was flawed, largely because people deny participation in activities like gay sex and IV drug use. Remember the old saw about VD: "gee, honest, honey, I must have got it off a toilet seat somewhere. How else?"

The other mode was simple misinformation. The AIDS lobby knew that much of America considered HIV/AIDS a problem of homosexuals and drug addicts and, unlike cancer or heart disease, unlikely to affect them personally. So, they made a deliberate calculation to mainstream the perceived HIV risk, even though it was scientifically inaccurate. Didn't matter, their goal was to scare the bejeesus out of straight American and it worked. HIV/AIDS funding soared 700% between 1987 and 1997 as white, middle America was suddenly terrified to sleep with their own spouses.

DBC tells a great story and is an entertaining movie, but it takes great liberties with the truth. That's fine, it is just a story, well-told and compelling but fictional with facts changed for dramatic purposes. I just ask, if you are going to change the basic facts, please don't act like this is a true story, or even based on one. Change the location and names of the characters and quit perpetuating bad science by claiming that redneck heterosexuals are just as likely to get AIDS as a New York drag queen. That's ridiculous.

And, for the record, Ron Woodruff was a classic case of the heterosexual myth. Woodruff was a known bisexual. He wasn't homophobic, on the contrary he was popular figure in the gay community before his diagnosis. He got AIDS the old-fashioned way, gay sex or possibly IV drug use, and not from a female hooker.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


Thank you for this informative reply.
Funny where the guy who said I was misinformed got his info.......aids.GOV

"People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination" Oscar Wilde


I think you and the other poster have been misinformed. While it is much easier for women to contract the disease from a man, men can get HIV from women through intercourse.


Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

The odds of a heterosexual contracting AIDS through vaginal sex with an infected partner were estimated as 1 in 500 in an article published in JAMA.

Those odds include both MTF and FTM transmission. FTM is acknowledged as far less likely, though the researchers wouldn't speculate on the odds. If MTF is just three times more likely, then the odds of a FTM based on a single encounter drop to 1 in 1000 or 0.1%.

That paper, incidentally, was published in 1988, at the height of the AIDS is a heterosexual disease now! hysteria. More recent CDC data and a study of heterosexual couples in sub-Saharan Africa found the transmission rate to be more like 1 in 900, again with the woman bearing a disproportionate risk. The researchers there also acknowledge the problem with biased data, even at that rate, many of those cases were actually contracted by homosexual activity or drug use that was unreported by the study participants.

The real reason AIDS is so prevalent in Africa? Needle sharing by poorly funded health initiatives manned by inadequately trained personnel. There's your vector, but nobody wants to admit that, the ramifications are just too terrible.

Again, in the case of Ron Woodruff, the film makers opted to present a red-blooded American man who contracts AIDS from good old straight sex, probably to avoid the story being branded as a "gay" movie. All they really did was perpetuate a terrible scientific lie. Woodruff was by all accounts bisexual; when your house burns down, you look for matches and gasoline, not aliens armed with plasma guns.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"



How do you know he was Gay? Did you know him?





It's not practically unknown, it's just less likely. Women have gotten HIV from oral sex only. Low risk is not no risk.

Lesbian HIV transmission is practically zero but can happen.


Female to male HIV transmission is practically unknown.

dummest thing i have ever heard since a dementia patient stole the presidency


I notice you said you worked as a volunteer, so you still basically know jack *beep* It's just as possible for straights to get it, and you're talking about a *beep* MOVIE. It doesn't matter what the MOVIE VERSION of the guy did, the REAL GUY was straight. You aren't actually under the impression that every single scene was straight out of reality are you? The only truth to the story is the character's existence and the fact that he sold the drugs to the AIDS afflicted. Everything else is fictional for dramatization.


"The truth of the matter is NO ONE contracts HIV from a woman from s e x unless they have oral sex with an already infected woman ON HER PERIOD"

Wow, never did I see so much ignorant horseshiet in one sentence. Difficult =/= impossible. Idiot...


so how did Magic Johnson get it then? he said he was sleeping around with women


I know this is old but some very dumb people in here.

Claims can't be infected by straight sex is complete BS it happened and still does.

People wanted to brand it as a gay only disease with this mostly being true but why was this politics plus people made a lot of money from it times square had a complete revamp because of it.

While you can't 100% know how he was infected the movie does imply it was unprotected rough sex with a junky again this happens.
