Ron DID get AIDS from a Woman
I noticed a lot of denial from prior posts concerning {mainly from males} the fact that they do not think Ron contracted Aids from a female. I know first hand this is possible and I will get to that in a minute. Ron was a decent looking man with a good job but he had horrible taste in women! He had sex with only skank scum strippers and dirty hookers, the bottom of the barrel to be sure, and its common knowledge that these kind of women, a fair amount are drug addicts and in the flashback the track marks were very visable on the woman's arm he was having sex with. He scraped the bottom of the barrel with these stripper/hookers who have sex with hundreds of their "customers" a week and every disease they had he was exposed too, another words these women in those professions I mentioned above had high exposure rates, and many strippers also prostitute so every man they "serviced" its like Ron was exposed to all their diseases. A very scary situation.
Several years ago my husband worked with a young man, he was twenty-one years old, he was straight, but he slept around a lot with these dancers in strip bars and some hooked on the side. He died a horrible death, he was the youngest guy who worked at the place, and my husband and five other co-workers visited him in the hospital, he actually broke down in tears when he came home, and my husband is not the crying emotional type normally, he kept saying "he's so young, he is so young to die!" I knew him too, it was heartbreaking and sad, he contracted from a women and his death was very long and painful, its sad when anyone of course dies from this dreadful disease but when such a young man in his prime does, its terrible. He even thought oral sex was safe at times but open sores in the mouth can expose you to the virus and you just do not know it! Such a waste.
Yes I agree its a little less common for a male to get it from a female but the risk is still high and sleeping with dirty diseased women is not a smart thing to do. That being said, I thought Ron was a tough stand-up man who fought hard for his life and others, it was a brilliant movie, and Jarod Leto was outstanding as Matthew was. Its funny but the only time Ron looked happy was when he was in the restaurant with the Doctor, that is what he wanted, a classy, educated, pretty, clean, decent smart woman, like the doctor, most men would, instead of the prostitute/strippers he frequented, he looked SO happy to be a clean nice woman, its too bad he did not find one. Great movie, and acting and a real eye-opener. Very realistic. May Ron sleep with the angels now up above and in peace!