WORST movie EVER!!!!

This movie was horrible...no real plot...danny devito decides to put up a lot of x-mas lights w/o any real reason. STUPID!!! I want my money back.



I loved this movie! It gives you a warm feeling inside when you watch it.


This was painful to watch. Nothing made sense and if it gave u a warm feeling, you had one too many whiskeys.






Gave this crap the gift of 1.


Not the worst but not one of the better. There's a lot worse movies


maybe not the worst movie but one of the worst Christmas movies ever. as bad as Christmas with the Kranks

itchy, wretched, rust in my aft. -Jetfire


It wasn't so bad. I've seen much worse movies with higher IMDB scores.

I thought the light show was phenomenal, and obviously where the bulk of the budget went (probably explains the terrible green screens).

I would definitely watch it again just to see that part.
