Madison DOES have the power!
In Deck the Halls Madison DOES have the power to date or not if she wants to. She did date that sailor guy from the Navy who was on leave, even if her dad in one of his most anti Ferris Bueller roles said she couldn't date. As somebody else on this board pointed out she is still living in her dad's house, eating his food, ect, well be that as it is it did not stop her from going out with that sailor on leave and it will not stop her from dating. Parents cannot control such aspects of their teenager's lives if their teenagers wont let them. Indeed I know of a case of this girl, and this really did happen, who was not allowed to date and she nonetheless got pregnant. That just goes to show you that trying to restrict a teenager's dating life doesn't work. Madison dated anyway, she dated the sailor on leave. At the end of the movie Madison asks her dad if she could date, he says that shes growing up so yes. Instead Madison should've told her dad she would date and that it was her choice not his. After all, she did date the sailor in the Navy. As it was though, if Madison is going to date somebody in the Navy she should date a SEAL who could beat the heck out of her dad if he tries to keep her from dating.