Spoiler Question?

Angel found out ...

----SPOILER ALERT!!!-----

... that she was pregnant just after her husband left for service. She told his sister not to tell him, I thought in case something went wrong. How come she didn't have the baby? I know earlier she didn't want a baby because it would distract her from her writing - was this still the case? If there were any later references from which the audience could deduce what happened, then they went right over my head!


She has a miscarriage.

Angel is in Esme's studio reminiscing about him , then it starts paining her and falls down. It is not clearly shown but its meant to show she has a miscarriage.


Ah! Thanks for the response. I hadn't noticed this. So one more thing to make the audience feel sorry for her in her transformation from successful self-centred brat to dejected love-sick heroine. The mean between the two was such a lovely place, a pity it had to last so briefly. C'est la vie!


She miscarried.
