7.4, seriously?
Look I fully support everyone’s right to an opinion. Matter of fact I try to never gripe with an IMDB score, because chances are that whatever it is it has enough votes to reflect a somewhat general consensus of the public, and if you disagree than you’re the outlier to an extent. That being said, how can the majority of the people find this movie to be a 7.5ish level film? I mean I know we’re suckers for serial killer/mystery/cat & mouse films but come on! I watched this last night with high hopes, but it turns out to be garbage!
Did I find the Costner/Hurt pairing to be intriguing? Yes, that was a plus. & I admire that they were able to make me somewhat align myself with Brooks, even though he was a madman. Everything else though was a horrific letdown. So many stupid plotlines. The Hangman? the divorce? Just cause you’re able to tie them together by the most contrived of threads, doesn’t justify them being in the movie. The stuff with the daughter was the worst. Everything from the dialogue to the acting to the actual scenarios reeked of unbelievably in those scenes. Dane Cook got worse and worse as the film went on. There wasn’t any building tension, there was no real sense of mystery. And the dream ending? Other than allowing for a sequel, had no business being there. The sad thing is there are seeds of a good movie in here: Serial killer battling the addiction and/or a split personality, the fear of passing on a dark passenger from parent to child. These are stories I’d of liked to seen explored with more focus. Instead I got Mr. Brooks, one of the most overrated films I’ve come across in a long time