Ray:Its a good movie!
I recall the movie being spoofed on some show, I can't remember which show though, by way of the character Ray.
In the parody, Ray is flying around (with his Disney cartoon 'chemtrail' of glitter) one or two characters on the show that does the parody, setting them up a dinner date with a table and table cloth all the while he's suggesting that the characters watch The Princess and the Frog, trying to convince them to like it, to give it a chance, that its good...telling them, "Come one, mon frere. Why not wut The Printe-d and de Frog? Itd a goo'moobie."
What ever show it was on which I saw this characiture/parody it was probably a cartoon, itself. I have a feeling it was one of the Seth MacFarlane shows.
Does any one know what show did this?
p.s. - Before I saw the credits I thought it was John Witherspoon doing Rays' voice.