this is THE BEST Disney cartoon ever!!!
I love the soundtrack, the voices are amazing! Naveen is the funniest prettiest prince ever!! (I'm totally in love))))! I love that Charlotte is a good girl, not mean (like stepsisters in Cinderella). Well, maybe it was too much gumbo and "shots of tobasko" I mean, she cooked it trice, in different circumstances and "all she needed was a couple shots of tobasko". I think it's a bit offensive, as if african (or south American? ) cuisine has no other great dishes? Anyway, it's just a little moment that i didn't like. OH! And the villain was charming!!! The ending was perfect. I don't see anything racist in that cartoon: Tiana is a beautiful, smart, determined young woman. And whatever she got - she earned it. What is racist about that? Otherwise, it was kind of racist towards white people, Charlotte was depicted as a shallow white girl, not able to do anything, not interesting to fall in love with... that IS rather offensive.
I wish there were more movies like that. "The princess and the frog" and "the corpse bride" are my two most favorite animation movies) OH! forgot to mention the "puss in boots" is also great)