MovieChat Forums > The Princess and the Frog (2009) Discussion > Why didn't Tiana just ask Charlotte for ...

Why didn't Tiana just ask Charlotte for money to buy the restaurant?

She could have asked Charlotte if she could borrow some money.... I'm sure Charlotte would be willing to help, and certainly Big Daddy wouldn't say no to Charlotte.

Now before you say something like "Tiana wanted to work hard to earn everything she had; she wouldn't have accepted it if Charlotte had just handed her the money." Point taken, but she certainly seemed willing to just get it from Naveen, and when she found out that his plan to become rich was to marry Charlotte, she still was willing to go along with his plan. So basically, she would just be getting the money from Charlotte anyway?


Idk, in my own case, I would feel horrible taking money from a friend. Even if she is rich.


There are two reasons why she was willing to accept the money from Naveen/Charlotte.

1. She was desperate. When desperate, people tend to do things they wouldn't normally do.

2. She'd earned it. She turned into a frog, dropped down into the bayou was hunted by alligators, humans and creepy shadows.


It was totally different w/ Naveen. Naveen was bargaining with HER. HE proposed the plan. HE wanted something from HER (the kiss). And as someone mentioned, she was up against a wall at this point: she just had her hopes dashed.

It's not the same as walking up to a FRIEND and saying: "Hey, can you loan me big bucks?"

And I'm not even going to elaborate on the connotations of borrowing (large) sums of money from FRIENDS.


I agree with what the others have said. Also, I was agreeably surprised by how well Charlotte turned out, at least at the very end; I was expecting a monstrous Veruca Salt/Honey Boo-boo hybrid from the opening.


I bet Charlotte offered at one point but Tiana refused, insisting on doing it on her own with hard work. She threw a large wad of money at her to make the beignets, probably way more than she needed as to give her the rest needed to pay off the Fennel brothers.


A valid point

It could have been incorperated into the story

Charlotte would have cosigned Tiana's loan as a backup to her but BOTH had to do this . BECAUSE

Tianna is now a frog and to keep Charlotte distracted from her end the fake "Naveen " comes into play and unless Tianna meets the deadline that is establshed to buy the building not only will she stay a frog but lose EVERYTHING

which pretty much happens that is until the Bayou wedding where they become human and having an alligator on your side............
