Is Disney racist?

kay, there was the Savages song in Pocahontas, there was the Gypsy hunt in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and now we have a movie where all the white people are wealthy and the black characters dance to and perform jazz! Anyone else noticing this?

"I'd rather be a superb one-term president than a mediocre two-term president." -Barack Obama


Both examples you give are taken it of context. The savages song is meant to show the dangers of ignorance and intolerance of other cultures. In hunchback, the gypsies are depicted as the strong but persecuted victims.

I haven't seen this movie yet, but Disney does have a history of exaggerating cultural stereotypes. I have no problem with this one. The Louisiana jazz culture is exciting and fun.


Black people practically invented Jazz. Why wouldn't they sing and dance to it?

Can't stop the signal.


This movie takes place in the south in the 1920's... What you just described was how life was for black people then. Speculation is racist, that's just history. The other songs mentioned were also relevant to the culture of the characters (settlers in the 1600's, church delegates in the middle ages)

Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!


*isn't racist

Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!


 Of course, Disney is racist. They didn't like what Vanessa Hudgens wore but don't mind what Bella Thorne from Shake It Up does. sch&sa=X&ei=o-lfVM-IJoGsyAS8uYHoCQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw =1681&bih=956

What about Frozen? Didn't you catch the little things that people do about things like that movie, too?



What you've mentioned doesn't make these films racist- things that happened were racist but the films are just depicting some of the realities of the times.
Not saying Disney isn't racist- they certainly try to show that they aren't and appear to make the right moves (characters from different cultures etc), but I'm not 100% sure on that one.


I guess Disney sometimes has to hang its hat and just do what everyone else does.

🌴 🐒 🌴


op's post is a mess where do i begin

Ya blew it. Kapeesh?


I don't think it's a matter of being racist as they were celebrating some of the traditions and music of New Orleans. I didn't see the movie or the other examples as being racist at all. There are many reasons (aside from stereotypes) that can attribute to the movie's theme, songs, and etc. Don't jump the gun just yet.

"I feel as if I have been incarcerated in a blueberry."---Nigel St. Nigel, Psych


Wasn't jazz "invented" by black people? So why wouldn't they dance to it?

It's all about cultural context. All of the songs mentioned were appropriate to the period depicted. Some of the events were what you could call racist today, but the norm then. That doesn't make the films racist though, for portraying that.
