MovieChat Forums > The Princess and the Frog (2009) Discussion > Tiana is not an American princess

Tiana is not an American princess

How can there be an American princess?

Disney has always had two groups of princesses: those born with the title (i.e. Aurora, Ariel) and those who marry into it (i.e. Cinderella, Belle). Tiana, an African-American and the heroine of this film, marries a prince from the fictitious country of Maldonia, thus becoming a princess of Maldonia.

I just noticed a lot of posters were either, woo an American princess OR they were pissed because they wanted her to be an African princess. She is neither, she married in to royalty and to make her an American or African princess it would have been a completely different story.

What race/nationality is Prince Naveen?

Disney has purposely made Prince Naveen racially ambiguous, hailing from the fictional country of Maldonia, which has no known location.

I looked it up in FAQ because 1)I was unsure myself and was naturally curious 2)I see different answers on the board. I get it, it is FAQ and to my knowledge not gospel from Disney. I was just wondering why there are conflicting answers about this? Normally I don't bother going to FAQ but there wasn't a unanimous answer on the board.


I think you're right. Tiana is not an American princess because there isn't a monarchial system in the United States, but she is the first princess of Maldonia to hail from America. (Think Grace Kelly as an example if you're confused.) As for Naveen's race/nationality, I think you answered your own question. His nationality is Maldonian (a combining of the names of two European countries), and his parents appear Indian in appearance (his mother is wearing a sari, and in fact Naveen means "new" in Indian), so Maldonia may be an Eurasian country.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


Yeah, Grace Kelly is a great example.


Umm, Indian is not a language. But other than that, fair point :)


Wait you complain that me and some people were discussing Jasimines clothing in Aladdin not being accurate. Yet here you are complaining that Tiana is not accurately an American Princess. Wow does the word hypocrite mean anything to you?


I was pointing out not complaining, I myself had been wondering and so I posted some links. As another poster said Grace Kelly is a great example and I agreed. Again I never used your name and I am not obsessive so I do not follow your posts to see how often and to what degree you personally post about it. Though judging by the fact that you not only brought this up on the Aladdin board BUT you came to the Tiana board (that has nothing to do with Aladdin) and again brought it up, I would say you are a tad obsessed. The day day I start going to various boards to bring up things YOU said on a different board (meant for discussing a different movie), you may call me obsessed.


First off I only did it once. And it was by coincidence, I clicked on the thread not realizing it was yours until I read it. Sorry my life doesn't revolve around you honey.

Second you don't own any Disney related boards here on the website. Im a disney fan(obviously). So have some common sense and realize that if Im posting on the Aladdin board chances are I'm going to post on the Princess and the Frog board as well.

Third lol PATF and Aladdin has nothing to do with each other? Yeah both films are not only from the same company but directed by the same two guys as well. Nothing to do with each my A$$.


Whether or not you knew it was me at first, you responded to mention something I wrote on a board about different movie, "honey". So you figured it out. Being a disney fan doesn't mean liking every disney movie, so it is not "common sense" that you will post on both. You know what happens when you assume. You can post on both or anywhere you like.

Just because they are made by guy does not mean they have anything to do with each other. Sure, if you want to compare quality in some regard that makes sense. Responding to something I said in order to point out what I said on a different board does not make sense. No I do not own the board and neither do you. Granted, it is in no way constructive or logical to respond to a thread for no other purpose than to bring up what I said on a different board. Where do you draw the line? Is this a common thing for you? Do you make a habit out of going to boards and bringing up what a poster said about a different movie? Whether or not Tiana is an American princess has nothing to do with Jasmine's wardrobe. It has nothing to do with anyone's feelings on the issue.


One of the many issues I had with this movie. It all felt so, forced. It was like the people at Disney who made the movie, were following a tire, old recipe. Sure they used predominantly black characters, but aside from that, it's one of the most formulaic Disney movies I've seen.

The moment each character appeared, I could tell just by looking at them, exactly what their role and arch in the movie would be. At the 20 minute mark, I knew I'd basically seen this story a dozen times before, and it make it very boring to watch.

Hate to say it, but this movie just seemed like an appeasement to political correctness, and not a convincing one at that.


Prince Charming started out like a spoilt ass and the protagonist friend Lebouff was a parody of those "tired, old disney recipies".

The theme, imagery and music included Voodoo, Jazz, New Orleans and Cajuns... yet it was a bland and un-artistic?

Was the movie inspired by 1001 nights also PC? What about the story from ancient China with Mongol hordes and everything.

Sorry, but there is no way to win this argument with you, you're gonna see spooks everywhere and detriments to culture.

In that regard you are becoming a parody to what you are objecting to.
