If Beyonce was Tiana's voice
This movie is so amazing and yet so underrated. Beyonce was nominated to be Tiana but in the end this didn't succeed.
I feel that the movie was going to be one of the tops if Beyonce gave her voice.
This movie is so amazing and yet so underrated. Beyonce was nominated to be Tiana but in the end this didn't succeed.
I feel that the movie was going to be one of the tops if Beyonce gave her voice.
Disagree. I prefer Anika's voice, and it also would just be strange to have arguably the most famous and influential modern pop-star voicing a Disney Princess. It would distract from the movie, in my opinion. Having someone uber-famous, and with a very distinctive voice, be a DP would just be odd.
Mandy Moore may have voiced Rapunzel, but she's nowhere near as legendary an artist as Beyonce. Ditto Kristen Bell. And Idina Menzel was only really known in the broadway community before Elsa.
No, Beyonce's voice is not right for the character. Anika had warmth and sweetness Beyonce lacks. Plus the skanky popstar is not a good role model for children.
shareBeyonce's accent would've been more authentic since her and her family are from down there, and she's half creole, but her voice is so recognizable that it would've distracted us from the film.