It wasn't that good in my opinion
I had watched it when it first came out and I thought it was boring. I rewatched it recently to give it another chance and I enjoyed it this time, but it still wasn't as good as other Disney movies in my opinion.
1)There was character stupidity for plot reasons I still don't understand why Tiana thought Naveen was marrying Charlotte when she already knew there was a Naveen look-alike. Come on Tiana, you're supposed to be smarter than that. The fact that nobody realized Tiana would become a princess after marrying Naveen until they turned back into humans was silly too.
2)The songs were decent but very forgettable. Even Tangled had more memorable songs.
3)Naveen and Tiana didn't have enough chemistry in my opinion. I usually love Disney romance, but this time I truly wish they had just stayed friends or something.