
I wonder if anyone from the good ol' days still lurks here, but damn. Back before the movie came out we had good ass times. I met my best friend because of this place. Damn, I'm gonna miss it.

I don't even remember what my old username was, but I was. ery active here anyway. I was only 15 when I started posting here! My god...

IMDB is being stupid as hell for removing the boards. I refuse to use Tumblr nowadays (which i have been using the past few years to discuss movies and shows, but for obvious reasons I never wanna go back) and other websites like rotten tomatoes sucks in comparison.

See ya, space froggers.


This is the first place I came back to when I found out about the boards closing. :( We had good times here, I haven't experienced anything like it since. I remember when we finally hit 10,000 posts on that 10k posts before the movie board... And the livejournal spam party, so much fun. I even remember meeting Tianaveen at Disney World and making a video of them saying hi to the imdb people. I owe a good chunk of my friends to this movie and these boards.
