Definitely in my top 5 of all time, I love that Refn got a film like this made as it's very much an Art House crime flick. It's so stripped back that you can't strip it back anymore cause it fall apart.Gosling probably gives his most iconic performance, that silent ruthless hero always do wonders just ask Clint Eastwood. Gosling can tell you a ton by simple gesture, rather then a massive speech. Albert Brooks and Ron Pearlman are great villains with a lot of depth. Always great to see Bryan Cranston in anything. Carey Mulligan isn't give a lot to do but when she is she's very good. I always forget Oscar Isaac is in this as Mulligan's Jailbird Husband. Throw in awesome camera work, a synth soundtrack that's now been copied to death and this is the film that started the 80's throwback love of recent years. Crazy to think this film was supposed to be a 80 million dollar film with Hugh Jackman.
Probably my favorite film along with There will Be Blood and Dead Man Shoes of the last 18 years.