John Ligthow

No matter what he stars in, I now can only picture him as the Trinity Killer; which is a very disturbing!


Even in How I Met Your Mother?


Third Rock from the Sun must be a much creepier show now.

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


That certainly adds a spin on Footloose.


I think that is what made Trinity so frightening. I kept expecting Dick Solomon.


He's a really good actor, and I definitely think he is believable in other roles. However, whenever I see him I always think of Dexter and Trinity. It's hard not to associate him with that character.


He's also the voice of a soup commercial. lol it's very creepy to hear Trinity talk about 100% chicken and fresh veggies.


Well good thing, I watched Harry and the Hendersons first.
Watching Buckaroo Banzai across the eighth Dimension a couple of times might fix that.
