Hoping more of Rogue

I hope there is more of Rogue in the next season. They can do a whole new origin story if they want


I'm sure there'll be plenty of Rogue to go around next season.


I tire of her. Her character hasn't been the same since the X-men of the nineties. I miss that Rogue.


I miss the 90s Rogue too.


I know how you guys feel. That's not going to happen now that this show has likely been canceled. Rogue and most of the other characters in this show were not all they could've been b/c this was another continuity of X-Men that was way too Wolverine centric!

If Disney/Marvel makes a new animated x-men show, I hope they revive the 90's Rogue we all know and love.


I know how you guys feel. That's not going to happen now that this show has likely been canceled. Rogue and most of the other characters in this show were not all they could've been b/c this was another continuity of X-Men that was way too Wolverine centric!

If Disney/Marvel makes a new animated x-men show, I hope they revive the 90's Rogue we all know and love.

Here's hoping. Here's also hoping that next time Colossus will be a regular member of the cast and not be kicked to the curb and also hoping that the next X-Men series isn't so damn Wolverine centric! I mean, Justice League season 1 had its share of face palm worthy power inconsistency moments, but it still did a much better job of making me care about the League. When John Stewart's Green Lantern ring ran out of power & he got separated from the League in "Savage Time" (the season 1 3 part finale) I actually felt invested in his fate. I didn't feel all that invested in the fate of the X-Men as a whole when the final episode came though. There were so many little things, little nuances the show could have thrown in to make the rest of the X-Men seem like characters worth our time & investment, but oh no, no, Wolverine just had to have what, 8 solo episodes?

Here's hoping next time we'll be spared such nonsense.


I heard that they already finished season two and was signed on for 26 episodes for season 3. What happened?


Well, Disney bought Marvel, W&TXM was produced in association with Lionsgate, so I'm guessing what happened is that Disney either could not or would not cut through the legal red tape to purchase the show for themselves.


So they're just going to leave the second season shelved? At least put it on dvd.
