Should season 2 stick more to the original?
Im sorry but im so sick of all you cyclops-hating wolverine fanatics that crave whatever crap marvel wants you to buy. Cyclops and jean are meant to be. I think now that jean is back cyclops can now lead. he should really man up and be himself. the writers and horrible to him and make him completely incompetent and insecure.
While putting wolverine in the spotlight for season 1 made sense, its time for a change. theres nothing we can really do about season 1 except appreciate it. sure the show is called 'wolverine and the x-men' but now that we got into the series he cannot be the star for every episode, nor the lead. dont get me wrong i dont hate wolverine. i always thought he was cool. except when he was the badass side character and had a unrequited love with jean. of course she was aware of his love for her but she is scott's lifelong flame. sorry do you expect that jean and wolverine will have babies? no. do you really think they will have a future? no.
lets also focus more on the other characters. as in storm, collosus, kitty ect. and with rogue. ok we get what her original power is. basically makes her useless. with this series and the movies i think its time for her to permanently get miss marvels power. its time. x-men evolution didnt even do that till the very very end. and a glimpse into the future. but now its time for her to fly and have super strength.
i also think wolverine should not be exclusive in every episode. skip him a little bit. not the entire season of course, but maybe 3-5 episodes. have him not the focus. its sickening how they are making the real fans sick of him. we get it. 5-12 year olds LOVE HIM. but i think the writers should have more respect for the other viewers.
so what do you think? do you think im totally fcking crazy?! or do you agree.
I'm sorry what do you think your doing?