Wolverine - Loner
Remember in Xmen TAS series finale as professor x was on his deathbed and he was describing all the xmen and their qualities or something. Yeah, he was like "wolverine - loner, you have found a home.." but i dont remember anything about leadership ...
Hmm, that is quite strange. Also, he called Cyclops the son he never had. Which would mean as lilandra takes him into space so he can live forever, the school would go to scot ......
Well, lets not pretend the creators care about what fans think. Its all about what latest trends will sell, and the little kiddies want wolverine, wolverine and more wolverine. They are ignorant about the others, in fact i bet they have no clue who they are and with this series theyll just hate them and want more of wolverine.
Seriously, dont even put "& the x-men" at the end. Just "Wolverine". As whenever there is a marvel series with every marvel comics put into one, wolverine is the sole representing the x-men.
I'm sorry what do you think your doing?