MovieChat Forums > Wolverine and the X-Men (2009) Discussion > For the next X-men show-My 2 Cents...

For the next X-men show-My 2 Cents...

This is some advice I would give to whoever is producing the next X-men series, whenever it comes up-

1. Remain true to the spirit of the franchise. X-men has always been about fighting discrimination and about an impending war between two species competing for dominance of the world. It SHOULD NOT be turned into your average superhero slugfest. The X-men aren't really superheroes...they're more like a kind of peacekeeping force...soldiers fighting to prevent a war.

2. Wolverine is no doubt a major character but he SHOULD NOT be the 'star of the show' but must in fact be used sparingly. He does not even need to appear in every episode. Also, when he does appear the focus should be more on his relations with the rest of the team and how they affect his personality. Wolverine's relationships with Shadowcat and Rogue, his flirtations with Jean, his rivalry with Cyclops etc. Also, he shouldnt be a wild maniac eternally tearing things and people apart...Wolverine in the comics eventually became a far more tempered man, a disciplined warrior, and thats the side of him they should portray.

3. I would like to see more focus on Xavier as the heart and soul of the X-men. Somehow I feel there never is much focus on the creator of the X-men as much of the focus is on his students kicking ass on the field. I'd like to see Xavier portrayed as an active member of the X-men, if not in the field, then at least behind the scenes as a strategist. He should comes across as a true visionary, a benevolent leader who genuinely wishes to help mutants and make the world a better place. He should be viewed as a revered figure by his followers though he can also be shown to be fallible and to have his faults.

4. Cyclops DEFINETLY needs to be made a much stronger character, a true leader of the X-men and devoted follower of Xavier's cause. He should be the guy who's able to coordinate the team and make it work. He should be the one guy whom everyone respects and looks up to. Even Wolverine should follow his orders (albeit reluctantly). And he shouldn't be completely emotionally dependent on Jean. In addition, I think Storm is someone else who would benefit from some character development as the second in command of the X-men.

5. For the tone of the show, I'd say it should be dark albeit with hints of optimism and brightness ala the Nolan Batman films. It certainly shouldn't be depressing.

6. Magneto should be shown as a foil to Xavier, a visionary like him except that he is one with far more extreme views who does not believe in human-mutant coexistence. Magneto and Xavier's relationship, both as friends and enemies is something that certainly must be delved into. Magneto should also be shown to be a benevolent leader in his own way, to his own people. Mystique on the other hand should be a complete badass, a terrorist who absolutely hates 'homo sapiens' and isn't really a visionary for the mutant race but is powered solely by her anger and by ulterior motives.

7. There should also be some focus on the X-men's lives and relationships outside the field.

As for the X-men lineup, my recommendations would be-

Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Iceman, Rogue, Colossus

Brotherhood of Mutants lineup-

Mystique, Avalanche, Sabertooth, Blob, Pyro

Magneto's Acoyltes-

Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mastermind, Toad


1. Agreed.

2. Wolverine & his relationships are definetly the most interesting thing about him. I love the father/daughter connection between him & Rogue in particular.

3. Well... If it was Patrick Stewart portraying him in a live action film, yes. However the cartoons are primarily aimed at kids and he's not exactly the 'coolest' is he? I think the amount of screentime he got in Wolverine & the X-men was perfect though.

4. I'm not a huge Cyclops fan but I liked him more than normal in this series because he wasn't the goody-two-shoes perfect hero. I think he should definetly have some pretty big flaws. Wolverine should definetly know how to push his buttons.

5. Agreed. X-men needs a dark tone.

6. I mostly agree... Mystique should definetly have a softer side though, towards Rogue & Nightcrawler primarily. Mystique should definetly be a major menace, a step down from Magneto but still a huge threat when she uses her natural infiltrating abilities to there fullest.

7. The more the better to be honest. I find the relationships of the X-men a lot more interesting than a flashy laser fight.

I like your X-men line up apart from Colossus, never really seen anything appealing about him(not read the comics). I feel that Pyro should be in there though as one of the younger students. The rivalry between Pyro & Iceman was a good thing in the films. From this cartoon I'm a HUGE fan of Emma Frost so I would want her in there as well but I wouldn't mind if she started as a baddie(a very tempting baddie for Scott, yay for character flaws!).

Also, come on... Gambit & Rogue... I'm a total shipper.

Emma & Scott, Jean & Logan, Rogue & Gambit, Bobby & Kitty. Nightcrawler & Scarlet Witch... The list goes on. :P

Oh and although quite unlikely, I'm fans of Dust & X-23 so would love to see either of them in there.

I really feel that THAT brotherhood of mutants has been done and done. They're never a serious threat. I'm pretty flexible in how they do the bad guys though. I think it would be great for a fresh approach in the first season to have Emma & the Hellfire Club. Mystique & Magneto could be more on the sidelines until season 2.

"And she may cry but her tears will dry, when I hand her the keys to a shiny new Australia!"


I like your idea but one I would suggest is doing a series based on the new x-men/academy x series we already seen some of them in the wolverine and the x-men series. (seen: dust, network, hellion, rockslide, pixie, wolfcub and mercury.)

My guardian diety is a planet with the sea of sand,the soldier of embrace, Sailor Neptune!



nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


Unfortunately, we will probably never get a series like this.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.


I agree Sn939

Maybe add Emma to the new team too. But everything else is flawless. I couldnt have said it better.

Your mind is in Disturbia.


I would have liked to have seen more done with the other X Men if they had ever done a 2nd season of this... And find those girls with the Adamantium bodies that Wolverine found in that "future" world. they must be stuck in the same lab he came from and they were very cool and tough.

Emma was a real bitch and I'd have liked to have seen more of that.



I might be easier to please or not... I want something simply called Marvel Universe...
Focus on many factions of mutants, not just X-men....
depict what's going on now, with some of our favourites and OG's, as well as some of the prominent but usually secondary tv/film characters...and the lesser know a who are also epic with deeply involved storylines...

Marvel is such a rich, layered and complicated world... I'm sick of seeing angsty teen Rogue for instance... She's a grown ass chick.... Hell, even Jubilee isn't super lame anymore or at least has had a lot of *beep* happen. (depowered/machine/vampire)...

Make it gritty, dark, sexual... immerse us in the whole world...the complicated relationships and the huge character evolutions... Perhaps it is a big undertaking in retrospect, but I'm done with the off canon crap, the teenagers, and the same stunted characters.

If I have to look at teenage Kitty anymore I'll freak out. Where the hell is her dragon and he bad ass fighting skills?


I'm just being petty but I would like Pixie to have a Welsh accent instead of an American one lol
