if he had no kids would he have cheated?
only thing that stopped him was the fact that he had kids. his wife was a prude. she was boring and didn't give him any attention.
"a wise man see's failure as progress"
only thing that stopped him was the fact that he had kids. his wife was a prude. she was boring and didn't give him any attention.
"a wise man see's failure as progress"
that's what i said. you never answered the question grn eyed female... would he have cheated? ;)
"a wise man see's failure as progress"
Hell yea, technically he did already cheat IMO. He had been kissing her and took her panties off. If that's not cheating lol I don't know what is. But, to answer your questions about the kids...yes I think he would have slept with her.
shareit's very telling that he stop when he remembered his kids. and not his wife. makes me wonder how their marriage eventually plays out years from that point.
If there were no kids, he would have, if he had any self esteem, left her long before this. But, would she have been like that if they didn't have kids?
This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.