MovieChat Forums > Day Zero (2007) Discussion > a liberal anti-war moviegoer's wet dream...

a liberal anti-war moviegoer's wet dream. Zzzzz

Only hollywood could make a movie about a bunch of week knee " I don't want to fight cowards" Wake up hollywood there are plenty of Americans who are up to the challenge. why not make a movie about them. But Nooooo... That might offend their precious senseability. Now let the liberals write in and attack my thoughts on this movie. But remember you don't believe in fighting right??


Don't tell must be one of the two or three dozen people left in this country who actually think the Iraq War was a good idea. Congratulations.


First of all the movie is not about “a bunch of week (weak I assume you mean) knee ‘I don’t want to fight cowards’.” It’s a movie designed to provoke thought and discussion about the military and war in general, not to necessarily take a stand one way of the other. It merely looks at the emotional reactions of three individuals who have received a draft notice (one of whom IS a Hawk). I did see and enjoy this at Tribeca and I’m curious to know what you're basing your statements on?


Well, Number 1:If you want to fight, just go join the military Number 2: I was drafted in Vietnam, and I didn't want to fight, I had convictions against the war, but I didn't want to go to "Federal, Pound you in the Ass" Prison, Either. So, I went for my physical, and went off to Basics, and Later to Vietnam. My son joined the Navy right after 9/11 (So, when he joined, no one was against the war) and is currently serving in Iraq.

So, Jasondf, How much Time have you served in Iraq/Afghanistan?

"If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one....Kick Ass! I just found a nickel!"


*Applause, thunderous applause*

Thank you very much o jmon. My cousin is a Marine in Iraq for the 3rd time. He shipped out to Germany in July or August 2001.

I, for one, am very tired of people who demean the soldiers that fight for our freedom to say "I think this war sucks and screw the guys who go fight." Sure, I'm not too big on the war in Iraq either. Does that decrease the value of those who serve? o jmon, you are proof that people don't always approve of the war in which they fight, but they do it anyway. Again, thank you very much.

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."



I want to see this film too but I don't think I will see it until it comes out on DVD.


It will be in theater's soon...

-The Producer


Isn't that part of the problem, though? Many people claim they don't approve of war, but do it anyway?


So, you didn't want to fight but have to do it anyway... Your son, in the Navy right now, it should be a knockout on daddy's face... I would broke your nose myself if I ever meet you for sending your son to that hell and (probably) being proud of that...

Beware The Ladybeetle - Free game developers team -


Yes, great idea. Let's send lots more young American man and women abroad to lose their limbs, or worst still, their lives.

But not you of course, you're quite safe aren't you?


YAY! mpsavuk! It's that "safe" word that gets me - every time ...
I used to travel, a lot. Now, I don't!
I am not American - therefore it can be "safely" assumed that I am a complete dolt!
But I have yet to see - how the US War of Terror - has made the world a "safer" place.
Enlightenment will be gratefully received!



Maybe the director had some clue before he made it, but I'm afraid he failed.
The stereotyping is killing the film and the message is a dubious one.

If you're planning to leave your wife to join the war to be with your buddy the hawk
then you're a sick twisted conservative tool obeying the powers above at all costs.

I don't rate this film high, it's not really an anti-war film, it's more about
accepting sacrifice and obeying unethical orders from criminal authorities.

It's not 'liberal', it's more like extreme right-wing propaganda bordering to neo-fascism.

And that emo's in every Hollywood movie nowadays and I'm tired of it.




It seems that the people who use words like liberal and anti-war when talking about this movie haven't actually seen it.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"
