MovieChat Forums > Day Zero (2007) Discussion > Finally a movie with some balls

Finally a movie with some balls

I loved the concept... the acting was superb. I felt that this movie actually finally addressed the issue that we, as a country, do not have a free pass. We need to fight some times for what we have. This war is a farce, at best, but behind all of the political corporate *beep* we are still people that live in a free society that needs to be protected. This film creates a discussion in media that does not add fuel to the fire of war but states the reasons for our need to protect what we have. I just wish there were different ethnicities in the discussion. Then it would seem more true to our lives.


i will be completely floored if this movie does not get a distrbuter. its an excelent movie. it final focuses on people and not on the poiltics of the situation. elijah, chris, jon did an amazing job. they are great. this movie will be the indie hit of the year(hopefully). i saw it on may 5 at the tribecca film festival and it rock.

Welcome.....Leave your *beep* at the DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree and its had great reviews too - so hopefully there will be news on the distributor front soon.


balls more balless

how dare you

this movie is very misleading

& the bad thing i't getting relesed in other countrys

oh boy how noble

boycott this film



No can do there partner...If I can see it I will...


well then your tratior for watching a film that lies






Get out.


that probably means that "we" are going to loose.

Damn, and we were sooo close :(


>>"I have three sons all draft eligible ages and it is a question that is not far from my mind... "

why? there is no draft and they will never be another one.
Don't let liberal scare tactics get to you.

I have two sons, not worried at all.


The ironic thing is... Dems favor the draft. Figure that one out.


I thought you may be making an attempt at irony or sarcasm, then I thought, no you are probably twelve and American to boot, and thus incapable of such.

I find it safest before commenting on issues pertaining to the destruction of different ethnic groups, to actually learn the basic spelling and punctuation of my own culture first. I suggest you do the same before commenting in future.


I see Cheney and the Center for foreign policy have made an IMDB account. Now *beep*

If you enjoyed any of Alexander Nevsky's titles our database also recommends:
You get lobotimized



HI xorgate,

Thanks for posting. I'm the producer of the film and am very interested in your experience streaming it via Netflix. If you don't mind me asking, how was the audio/video quality compared to other films you've done this with? And, what type of set up did you use to watch it (i.e. on your computer screen or output to a TV, etc.)? I'm a mac user so can't try it myself...




Very good and helpful to know - thanks so much for the detailed response!



Cool. I've seen Primer - I think Shane did an amazing job. Haven't seen any of Scott's work but I'll try to take a look.

Thanks again...


how can you say the words "Elijah Wood" and "Balls" in the same sentence?? He is to balls what Richard Simmons is to masculinity.


This is a great powerfull film which I urge everyone go see!
As for the 'Lies' comment I struggle too see how you have come to that conclusion considering the film is simply full of peoples 'OPINIONS'


how can you say that... this movie is just people supporting their countries draft without even trying to fight; not a one had even the slightest of educated opinion on the war. Not a single soul within actually wanted to go to war for any reason other than the well disproved "we are fighting terrorism". All it did was convey a sense of "only wimps don't go when drafted".


thanks, this saved me from wasting time on another propaganda piece. If a movie about the draft being reinstated doesn't have a mass REVOLT in the climax, its a dud.

lol what duty could you owe to people that were exposed and continue to be exposed as lying to the public on this & practically every other issue of major importance. You would have to be clinically insane. I would rather follow the advice of a bum on crack, at least he'd get only me killed.


I will probably check this movie out when I get a chance.

BUT a movie about reinstating the draft in America and there is no organized protest or a mass revolt of the American people in the movie/plot? Very unrealistic to say the least.


I believe there were protests but I can't remember. The movie from what I remember takes place long past that... more in the realization that we have no control of this and we have to just deal. Kinda like now in the world... with patriot acts... illegal phone taps and our manufactured heroes and leaders ;-)

On a side note I hope the writers union settle soon. From what I know it doesn't seem like they are asking for anything unreasonable.


There were protests. Not about the drafting, just about war.
I can see now how it's a bit propaganda movie, but still a great flick..
Luckily i don't live in the US.

BTW, lol at the guy who tries to get his opinion through and uses a $ instead of S


this thread/movie is nothing more than more propaganda

aimed at the Western society middle class.

The poster has been sucked into the system of truly believing

that WE should Kill them before THEY Kill us mentality and that

Big Brother's goal is to protect you.


A crappy movie at best. They got it all wrong. They should have focused on sending girls, and only girls to the front lines. Whenever a job is dangerous, the Sexist Feminists are very quiet and cowardly, and only want the safe and high paying jobs for the girls.

Ignorant, Weak, Submissive men support Feminism in order to feel secure.


And would there have been a War of Terror if the commander and chief had to lead the troops from the front line? Fight beside them? I think not!
*muttering* something about "so much for leading by example!"
Real men find others to use as cannon fodder!



Exactly. But why do people assume the film's anti-war?


What do you mean that this movie deals with "western society"? you do realize that western countries do not mean the united states only...whenever somebody says westernized societies, they mean every country "west" of rome. that is how you determine what a western society is. it's the US and western europe.


I dont agree 100% that Rome would make a good landmark for a breaking point though.

I think a line along (and including) Slovenia -> Austria -> Czech republic -> Germany makes a good line for continental europe. Greece, while abit removed from this line probably could be included in the word "western". The nordic countries and Britain defenitely included.

Most of eastern Europe that was under ottoman or parts of the soviet occupation are usually the countries considered "eastern" by europeans. Some would argue that Slovenia and Czech rep. should be eastern but I dont agree.

Poland and Estonia are questionable. I'd personally defenitely NOT include Poland.

Estonia should be up for consideration as a western country. It appears to have tendencies to self-identification with the northern countries (scandinavia + finland basically). A flag change to the northern cross type was suggested in 2001, and although it wasn't that popular, the Estonians themselves feel they are a northern country.

As for the rest of the world, Cananda, the US, Australia and New Zealand. I have no idea what to make of south and central america. Technically they are most european descendants.

The religious split in europe between Catholic/Protestant, Orthodox christianity and Islam also paints a good picture. So does the trade blocks of the cold war. Maps included below. Have a good look.

Map reference:
Religious split in europe:
Cold war trade blocks:

Article about the western world where I got most the pictures:

I guess it's a combination of culture, religion, social and economic policies.

Wich makes this map interesting:
And this one:

You draw your own conclusions :)

If you enjoyed any of Alexander Nevsky's titles our database also recommends:
You get lobotimized


Please dude, I know by your name that you're from the same country as me,
but what the hell are you jibbering about? It makes no sense and it's totally off-topic.
haha... lägg ner för fan


I loved this movie!


The reason why I am really looking forward to this movie (even apart from the fact that I think Elijah is a great actor) is because it explores the drafting issue in terms of different reactions to being drafted. It doesn't just take one stance on the issue.


Yes, it shows how different people react to the same news. One of them is convinced he wants to go, the other one is afraid and the third one is "in the middle", unsure first, afraid then, sure then. This is Elijah Wood's Aaron, the leader character in the movie, and the one who suffers more all the proccess during the 2 weeks.
Excellent movie

THE 4th SEASON IS COMING... 4 8 15 16 23 42


is anyone pissed that we are in iraq fighting a war but totally ignoring using military force to stop violence in darfur and parts of africa.


It helps to watch the movie before forming an opinion of it.


It sounds interesting. I'm against war of all kind but especially the disaster you'd call the Iraq "War"

Did the film even mention the possibilities of protesting and/or fleeing to Canada?

I know if a draft were ever reinstated that's what I'd do. I would never go to war ever. But it'd make me rebel even more if those government pigs told me I HAD to fight for them. *beep* that. Then I'd say "Canada, here I come!" But I'm gay so none of that would matter anyways since of that *beep* "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy would exempt me from the military....correct?

Anyways, my hats go off to poor soldiers who are dying over there. It's such a waste. Even those that do come back, alot of them could possibly have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, or etc. Those aren't fun things to deal with and yet some people still think that sending soldiers to Iraq is justifiable due to "we're fighting terrorists." We're not. Bush lied.

I don't know what else to say except that the troops need to get out of there as soon as possible!

peace, love, and maryjane to all! :]


In response to the starter of this thread:
Yeah dude, I think you got it.
At least that part Pentagon wants to put in your brain.

Americans need to kill people all over the world, most of all in Iraq,
so that you can eat your burger in peace and grow fat and



Funny... that is what I was thinking. People are people and they all want the same thing... to be happy. If that takes killing some people along the way through miss spent tax dollars then sign me up, right? That was an awful joke. I hope that my original thread was not misunderstood. I was a registered independent candidate in hopes to actual have a federally funded third party. To change things. Our country only seems to look in black and white and most Americans do not have the time to really analyze a problem so we elect officials that are suppose to be doing some good for the nation. Trust in their word is what we have. None of them seem to be doing their job. In hopes of turning this country around I say to all of the viewers of this blog. Please... vote for Obama. We do not need another schmuck in office spending our tax dollars on lining their pockets and the pockets of the people that helped get them their while watching a nation turn back the hands of time of evolution. Thank you for all of your responses.

Now its back to work on a Sunday to try to pay for the rent of my 10' x 10' cell that is under Bush's occupation.

