
Does anyone have comments about this observation:

Jeremy had made plans to run every marathon in the country, which means he must have been a pretty good runner. Yet, he smokes! And quite often! Did anyone notice this? I would think a runner, especially a marathon runner, would not smoke at all. And even if he doesn't run anymore, that's no reason to take up smoking!


His character is slightly underworked in many respects

- he smokes yet was a runner (perhaps took it up after he quit running and moved to NY?)
- he gave up on his dream of running, but we never find out if he has found his 'true' calling in running a diner. he looks pretty content there.
- we never really know if he is 'over' his ex. The scene where she comes back to visit sort of tells us that he is, but it was frustrating that we couldn't find out more about them
- we never find out what it is he likes about Lizzie

Having said that, I kind of liked that the main 2 characters (himself and Lizzie) were somewhat shut off from us as an audience. We never really truly get inside their heads. We are kept at arms length to observe and come to our conclusions. That's sort of what I actually enjoyed. The simplicity and observational nature of the movie was refreshing.


I agree, it's great that the movie doesn't tell us everything about Jeremy and Elizabeth. Still, I find it improbable that a runner or even an ex-runner would smoke, or that a smoker would run marathons.

Personally, I think if Jeremy didn't smoke, he would be the perfect guy. Someone who lets you come over every night after closing for a free slice of blueberry pie. What could be better than that?

I was inspired to make blueberry pancakes last Monday.


My roommate runs every day and competes in a lot of bicycle races. She also smokes like a fiend. I assume she's just built up a stronger lung capacity over the years, because she doesn't get out of breath, whereas I, a moderate smoker, get out of breath walking upstairs sometimes. It's really all down to the individual.



The thing he likes about Elizabeth is most likely the fact that she's an absolutely GORGEOUS young woman!! I'd certainly be interested in a stunning angel coming to see me everyday.
