Is this simillar to Closer?

Closer was another drama/romance movie with J. Law and N. Portman playing two of the main characters. Is this movie similar to Closer? (No spoilers please)


Not really. I didn't think that about this movie at all. To me Closer was much more intense & the characters were incredibly mean?? to each other. (I do love that Clive Owen though). Natalie Portman's role was similarly manipulative & off-beat as the card player in MBN - but that's about all. MBN had a much more pleasant undertone because of the romance though the other 2 story threads were much sadder. I'm curious as to what others thought though.


No, it's not at all like Closer. Very much different movies.

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I know this isnt the forum for it but I do have to say that even though nps charactrer was kind of the most deceptive in closer she was actually the most honest in a way too... weird... I thought this movie would be kind of similar seemed like it from the trailer I saw but it was completely different... I liked it.


The trailer did make it seem like it would be more in the same vein, didn't it? Maybe that's why that question came up. Other than the fact that np & jl were in the movie I didn't make any connection when I was watching the movie. I like mbn more than I thought I would - I had seen mostly negative reviews - but I saw it at home. I liked Closer better but I saw it in the theater. I agree with your assessment of np in Closer.


No it's not sexual like Closer, not very much like Closer. Although it is similar in the fact that it is character and dialogue driven. It's interesting and romantic, my favorite scenes are the ones with Jude and Norah. Natalie has a very interesting role too, she is brilliant in it. The movie was not as good as I'd hoped, since I was looking forward to it for a long time, but it was beautiful to look at and interesting, I'd recommend it.



Thank you all for your sincere comments. I am going to watch this at theater tonight.



No. Closer was a decent film. There wasn't a sympathetic character in the bunch, but the story and performances were pretty good.

This movie, on the other hand, is horrid. Judging by what I've read in this thread, the director is quite accomplished. However, based on this movie, I'd put him on par with the guys who used to direct those softcore porn movies on Cinemax. It has that "Red Shoe Diaries" pretentious hack just out of film school suckiness about it.



Hell No! My blueberry Nights are way better then Closer and not at all similar to closer.

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