WKW's other movies?

I have watched Wong Kar-Wai's Chungking Express and In The Mood For Love and the themes explored in both felt kind of same. Is that true for this one too? I have been dying to see this on HBO for a long time (they have been showing the promos for a really time) but just not getting enough time to. Is this also similar to these ones?


M favorite one of his films is Fallen Angels http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112913/ Although I must say that I am not overtly impressed with his work. It's decent and interesting at times but nothing spectacular.

My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773


I think it's somewhat like Chungking Express. Kind of flighty and quirky and slow paced/*. In the Mood for Love is much more structured, deliberate, and atmospheric. If you added the final scene of Blueberry Nights to In the Mood for Love, I would have liked the latter more.
