She eats SO much yet....

doesn't defecate once the entire film. Extremely unrealistic.

reply responses. Amazing how our culture has just come to accept brazen fiction has some sort of reality piece.


James Bond never gets diarrhoea but that's pretty real. it's 300+ days cut down into a ninety minute movie. she had a poo or two, but it was edited out. wait for the director's final cut


lol....again 90 minutes she eats so least show her on the stool so we know it isn't pure fiction...

then again, only one weak response.....

No surprise. I bring out flaws and loopholes none can deny.


But it is pure fiction, it's a movie. This happens all the time, why are you surprised to see it here?Unless they're doing it for laughs no one poops, farts or burps. No one brushes their teeth before kissing in the morning or having breakfast. These aren't flaws or loopholes, they are just frivolous events that add nothing.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Do you want to see people defecating in films or something?

Fled is that music: - Do I wake or sleep?
