My friend wanted me to watch this, and I had no reservations because I love Norah and Natalie, and Jude is okay to look at.

Man, about 30 minutes in I wanted to turn it off, but I MADE myself keep watching until Natalie's character came up.

I didn't see any real character development in Norah's character, and too much about her was left unsaid. She was too 2 dimensional it hurt to watch.

Anyway, I'm glad I finally crossed this off my TO WATCH list. And never to watch again....


You know, i really have to agree with you on this one. I had wanted to watch this for a long time as well, and had even considered buying it first. I'm glad i didn't. I am glad that i saw it though, but I agree, there wasn't too much character development with Lizzie. I do like the movie, but i have reservations.

Also when Leslie's dad was in the hospital, and they weren't sure if the call was a prank, they drove to the hospital to find out if it was a prank.

Why didn't they just call the number back for the hospital and find out for real? I mean they called the phone, all they had to do was hit redial and ask for the service desk or something like that (if they wanted to make sure it was a hospital.) But ya, whatever, not that big of a deal i guess.

I do like the movie though. It was sweet


You guys need to figure out when to use the word too.


I agree with the thread's title.
I "watched" this a few months ago, and actually had to forward through it, hoping it would become interesting/watcheable.
...Not even sure today if I saw the end, after forwarding all gets blurry...maybe I fell asleep in the process :)

Maybe it had some good aspects to it, maybe not, but I'm not sure if I'll have the patience to try it again some day..


I thought it was boring as well...

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


Yep, kept waiting for the pivitol moment that would make the movie worth seeing. Never happened.


I kept hoping that at some point Elizabeth would 'snap out of it', learn from her experience(s) that Jeremy was really into her, and vise versa, and get with the program. But it never really "clicked". She went back to NY and the first place she went to was her old b/f's apt. I had a hard time relating to and/or feeling any real sympathy for her. Quite the opposite -- I found her totally dull and boring. She exuded about as much energy as she displayed while basically becoming catatonic on the counter. It was still up to him to lean down and kiss her. Then she seemed to wake up. It's a shame it took an hour and 30 minutes -- basically the entire length of the film.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


...I must be one of the rare defenders of the film. It wasn't one of the best films of Kar Wai Wong, but having watched this one some time ago, I enjoyed the extensive use of colors and the roadtrip across of America. Much of it was stylized, and yes, I would agree that some of the character development was awkward, but I got no regrets about liking this one.
