MovieChat Forums > I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007) Discussion > Adam Sandler - racial bigot? or equal op...

Adam Sandler - racial bigot? or equal opportunity comedian?

you can tell Sandler's jewish persuasion is really important to him. you can tell, because in the scene where they're playing to Rob Schneider's heinously racist, heinously unfunny Asian stereotype* he asks James, his ostensible gay husband-to-be if he could "wear a yamaka" for appearances, and that "it's important" to his Jewish mother & identity. which got me to thinking (when the bare-faced, putrid callowness of it all wore off a bit) - how do you think Adam Sandler - scourge of racial equality and tolerance - would react to EQUALLY insane, racist-in-the-extreme "jewface" jokes?? do you think he'd be totally cool with it? let it go? (like, say, with an UNFUNNY version of Eddie Murphy's old jewish man from "Coming to America") -

because i REALLY wonder: an equal opportunity comedian? or just another racist dill-hole carrying the big-budget, big-box office stick he's earned through a never-ending flow of sexist, racist, homophobic (and MOST IMPORTANTLY - as this is SUPPOSED to be entertainment, after all - utterly un-amusing in the extreme)

*a horrific stereotype that is NOT AT ALL even well-aimed or 'TRUE' in it's shallow, destructive jibes. it's even REPLETE WITH Mickey Rooney-ish, racist-in-the-SIXTIES Yellowface.

P.S. at one point, they're talking about shoving poles up asses. and Sandler makes a crack about James' DEFINITELY UNDER TEN kid LIKING this procedure. this movie IS the WORST, people.


It's a movie. Get a grip.


Yes it's just a movie....but it promotes everything that is wrong with Hollywood's attitudes to minorities.
Would you say, it's just a show if someone put on a black minstrel show?


Another angry social justice warrior here. Tsk tsk tsk.....lighten up buttercup. Adam Sandler regularly makes fun of Jewish people. You and all of the other PC police out there need to learn to laugh at yourselves. Stop taking everything so literally and seriously all the time. Life is short.
