Firefighters stereotype
Okay so this movie and Quarantine make out Firefighters to be really gay. I mean, I know this movie was edged about that and they needed to act to prove their story was legit.
But even in Quarantine, the main guys scream like girls from the village people's version of firefighting.
Where the heck did this stereotype come from? Since when to firestations have giant open non-personal showers? I always thought they had enough for better ones (that weren't so prison shower like).
I have never met a fireman who was all overtly emotional and Richard Simmons acting.
Nothing against gays or anything, but I can't understand why or how film (except classic ones like BackDraft or great shows like Rescue Me) try to depict Firefighters as clouset homosexuals who, during every shift they work, take a shower TOGETHER lol. Or be required to cook like Will from Will and Grace implying they really only have the habits of someone not trying to attract super hot chicks.
When just about all firefighters have gorgeous women and act more like bikers and marines, not interior decorators. Not even at the level of Ty from that show where he gives health-endangered people second chances.
It just boggles my mind why they would even make stuff up like that.
Is it really something Hollywood is just using or is there any history to this homosexual undertone biggotry?