Matthew Morrison
how big is his role in the movie?
sam tyler:David Bowie. Why does it always come back to David Bowie?
how big is his role in the movie?
sam tyler:David Bowie. Why does it always come back to David Bowie?
Not very big.. but I loved seeing him :) He looks different.. He works with the singer that Alex is writing the song too. Well, I suggest watching the movie if you still haven't, it's great! Matthew Morrison is just a bonus =D
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Yeah, it's not that big a role, but it's worth watching it anyway, because it's an amazing movie. I loved it. I'm watching it right now actually! Matthew makes me smile everytime he comes on screen.
Scream 4 Coming April 15th 2011
Yep it makes me smile when Matthew comes on screen too! I watched this movie over the weekend for the fist time after getting into watching Glee and saw his name in the credits and was like "Matthew Morrison?!" I didn't remember him being in the movie, of course! Of course when he came onscreen I recognized him immediately!