I enjoyed the movie, but it did bother me -- and I'm not a 100% card carrying Buddhist or Christian or Kabbalist ... But I am interested in them, and appreciate all of them.
It particularly didn't make fun of Buddhism, but it did make it seem that Buddhists are flaky and shallow, without providing any contradicting evidence to the contrary. Especially considering the fact that most audience people aren't really exposed to positive knowledge of Buddhism anyway.
In particular, it seemed to give off the impression that pop stars who believe in Buddhism are jokes, while the main protagonist played by Hugh Grant (who conspicuously wore a cross in his first meeting with Buddhist Cora) seemed to have a little more emotional depth, despite his own extremely charming shallowness.
Buddhism was probably used for parody by Hollywood because it was probably the easiest to get away with, with the least controversy.
In this light-hearted comedy:
Making fun of Islam, and there might be death threats, really.
Making fun of Christianity, and it would be risky to turn off a huge segment of potential movie goers, especially since Mel "MadMouth" Gibson showed Hollywood, the box-office might of Christian movie goers.
If the analogy of making fun of Britney Spears and Madonna was followed through by writing in celebrity Kabbalists as the joke, and there could also be controversy and perhaps a call from the ADL.
So Hollywood probably thought that making fun of people who follow an Eastern religion was the safest bet. It's either that or Scientology, but it'd be too involving and hard to concisely explain Xenu, Thetans and all that other stuff.
Heck, Hollywood and the mainstream media has been dissing & belittling foreign looking people and their beliefs all the time. Surprised? No. Dissappointed. -- yes, but so used to it, that it seems to be a fact of life, and seems impossible to access the same air-time & audience, to counter-speech the juggernaut, as well as deal with the right-wing/fascist mob-gobs who go ballistic about "PC-ness" and their priviledge to enjoy bigotry.
(sorry for that slight tangent...)