Poor Little Edie

Big Edie isn't the only overwhelmingly controlling mother out there...or that was out there. B itch knew exactly how to manipulate and knew full well what she was doing and the consequences thereof.

It matters more what's in a woman's face than what's on it. -Claudette Colbert


Their relationship reminded me exactly of what I've read of Jackie and John Jr. John's talent and love lay in acting. Jackie didn't think this a good life for him and forced him into obtaining a legal degree, in which he obviously had little interest as he failed the bar exam twice before passing. She didn't want him involved with actresses. Every time he was she discouraged the relationship or broke it up. Like Big Edie, she did all this under the guise of wanting to help and protect the child and save it from going down the wrong path. John spent most of his short life on a course at least mapped out if not controlled by his mother.


"Their relationship reminded me exactly of what I've read of Jackie and John Jr. "

john didn't live with his mother for years and years as little edie did.
she returned to live in poverty with her bedbound mother who needed help. that was little edie's choice.

no one forces anyone to get a law degree, john went willingly to law school.
it is not unusual for someone to take the bar exam more than once.

of course, jackie didn't want him involved with actresses, most good mothers would discourage that type of relationship. in light of his father and uncle's assassinations, it would have been a terrible idea for him to be in the limelight with an actress. jackie spent years trying to protect her children from being in the public eye and even left the country with them.

john seemed very independent to me, he wasn't under his mother's thumb like little edie was. again, that was little edie's choice to live with her mother.
she moved back to gg when she was in her late 20's, entirely by choice.

i believe any good, loving mother would attempt to steer her child into a career that would be in her child's best interest for his own sake. big edie
was cunning and manipulative as far as anyone went, especially her daughter, but little edie had no career plans anyway and wasn't dating and didn't plan to marry. big edie wanted her needs met and she wanted to control little edie who willingly did what her mother asked.

there was a huge difference between the two mothers.


I agree, but John was a lot more under his mother's thumb than his sister. It was a typical "mother/son and father/daughter" thing. He never flew planes until she died because she asked him not to.




Perhaps the HBO film paints the relationship too much as one of emotional manipulation by Big Edie but it is interesting to read this, written by little Edie when she was a young girl:-

"Most children think that 'Mother Love' is a thing taken for granted. It isn't—it's love alright but a different kind of love. I have two great loves in my life: first the love for my Mother, which will always go on—never forgotten or forsaken. Second: my burning love for a boy which is no crush but a true steady love, as much as my M.L. (Mother Love). These are my ideas. If anyone ever gets a hold of this page—I beg them to be merciful which I hope the traitor will be."

Nicole Kidman is heavier on eyeshadow than emotion - The Paperboy Review, Variety


Mrs. Mills, is your username taken from the movie "The Others"? I love that one!!!!

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison
