did ghoul leave because the money was gone?
It didn't seem like it at the time. But thinking about or now makes me wonder.
shareIt didn't seem like it at the time. But thinking about or now makes me wonder.
his name was gould.
yes, he left when the money was gone. he used big edie up and threw her away.
Really? That's weird, then how was he able to still send them money after he left? And when he died how did his sons inherit anything?
I suffer from stockholmes syndrome with Pedo Bear.
I've seen Grey Gardens about 3 times, and still find the Gould/Big Edie relationship very perplexing. I think there was a real tenderness/affection between them, (despite the suggestion that he was a gigalo), which makes his abandonment of her rather strange.
I'm not sure if he loved her, or valued her as a friend, or if he was just a nicer breed of gold-digger.
I wish someone with a better skill of observation than myself could explain it.
- LK
I too think he was gay, and I also think that he knew it was time to go not when the money ran out, but when she became too reliable on him. He could tell she was starting to lose it, and it was just time for the end.
"but when she became too reliable on him. He could tell she was starting to lose it, and it was just time for the end. "
how does a person "become too reliable" on another?
big edie wasn't losing it, he left in the 40's. she died in the late 70's and was still quite lucid.
When they depend on the other person to live. It was clear she relied on him to help her pay her bills and the way she was behaving was erratic. Like how she wanted to keep paying for the country club because she hung on to the notion that Little Edie was coming back and would want to go. Little Edie did come back but not on her own accord. Gould knew she'd try to trap him there so she could rely on him all of the time. It became a dysfunctional relationship.
You think that she was all there up until she died? The woman was nuts. She lived in a dilapidated house with animals everywhere, feeding raccoons and opossums and feral cats and not throwing away trash. Not only that but she manipulated and controlled her daughter into never leaving.
"It was clear she relied on him to help her pay her bills"
big edie paid all her own bills. you saw the "hollywood" version of gg, in the doc she wrote her own checks. you need to see the doc for the real truth.
"You think that she was all there up until she died? The woman was nuts."
i don't think big edie was irrational, she was an eccentric who did what she wanted like all eccentrics. they had no money and no way of having work done on the house. many people choose to stay in their own homes regardless of the conditions, that doesn't make them insane.
she was always manipulative, that doesn't mean her mind was gone. some people are born that way, some learn to manipulate to get what they want.
I take it you haven't seen Hoarders.
Living in a home with in that kind of condition is a sign of mental illness. I never said her "mind was gone" I said she was mentally ill. It's very obvious she was.
"Living in a home with in that kind of condition is a sign of mental illness."
yes, i've seen the hoarders show many times. do you think gg looks the same as those houses on the hoarders show? did you see piles of garbage to the ceiling, years of bags of feces, boxes full of unknown junk, garbage everywhere at gg?
in gg, i saw peeling paint, a house in rundown condition and cats everywhere.
the house was a mess and plumbing was shot due to not having the funds to rebuild everything. poverty is not an indication of mental illness.
do you think gg looks the same as those houses on the hoarders show?
did you see piles of garbage to the ceiling, years of bags of feces, boxes full of unknown junk, garbage everywhere at gg?
"If you don't think that house was that bad, then you have some pretty low standards as to what is livable and what is not."
who do you think you are to speak to me that way? have you been to my home to see for yourself?
you're trying to make a ridiculous point if you think that slamming me is helping you. the way i live is none of your business and you've hit a new low as far as posting goes.
go and watch the doc, see for yourself how the house really looked. tell me where you see mounds of trash and feces, then come back and apologize to me.
you saw the hollywood version of their lifestyle, don't you understand what hollywood does to glamorize anything?
by the way, jackie o. never lifted a finger or spent a dime to help her aunt, mr. onassis financed the entire project.
I'm not "slamming" you, if you think it's acceptable to live in a house with feral cats and raccoons and heaps of trash, you do have a low standard of what are acceptable conditions to live in. I don't think that living with hoards of cats and raccoons and trash is acceptable. Obviously you do if you are defending this woman so much.
I don't need to apologize to you; if your feelings are hurt over what a stranger said to you on an internet message board, then you have some problems that I suggest you work out with a therapist. You're looking for an insult and you found something you could be upset over.
I don't have to see what the condition of the house was in in the documentary, the fact that there is documentation that the conditions were considered unlivable by the health department is good enough for me.
Even though I do agree with your assessment of the house, your comments to Lilypad are rude and a bit of a putdown. That isn't necessary on this type of forum.
shareThere were indeed piles of rubbish. At one point Big Edie says that East Hampton was the only place where you had to pay to have your trash removed, and that is probably why the rubbish accumulated - they couldn't afford to have it removed. The Beales weren't hoarders as such. Also I wouldn't call them animal hoarders either. They simply allowed raccoons, opossums and un-neutered cats to live and breed at their house. However, the house was truly filthy due to the presence of the animals.
"I am always happy to engage in POLITE discourse."
"If you don't think that house was that bad, then you have some pretty low standards as to what is livable and what is not"
You have crossed the line with your remarks. That is a personal attack. Lillypad was telling you the facts. Have you seen the documentary? wow.... unbelievable.
wnnipooh - well said!
shareThat's not a personal attack in any way or form.
It's obvious that if this person thinks that living in a house with raccoons is acceptable (and mounds of trash), then they have a low standard of what is considered a livable.
Whether or not I have seen the documentary is irrelevant. My point still stands alone.
I think me and everybody else (except those two) got what you meant. You weren't commenting on that person's living conditions, but what she thinks is acceptable living conditions.
punxgurrl, since you seem to know everything there is to know about Grey Gardens, and because you’ve now started attacking those who don’t agree with you, I have some questions that I’m sure everyone on this thread would like you to answer.
How many times have you seen HBO’s version of Grey Gardens? How many times have you seen the original documentary? How many of the books regarding GG have you read? How much research on GG have you done online?
I’m not going to quote all of your comments, but there are certainly a lot that make it perfectly clear that you don’t know all that you think you do. Much of this has already been mentioned by other posters, but you don’t seem to understand. For example, with regards to Big Edie relying on Gould you said “It was clear she relied on him to help her pay her bills and the way she was behaving was erratic. Like how she wanted to keep paying for the country club because she hung on to the notion that Little Edie was coming back and would want to go.” It was clear that she relied on Gould to pay the bills? With what money? Gould was employed by Big Edie. That WAS clear. I guess you missed the part in the movie when Gould told Big Edie that Mr. Beale’s new ‘wife’ had refused to pay the country club bills. Gould paid for nothing. He had no money because Big Edie could no longer afford to pay him. He certainly didn’t pay any bills for Big Edie or Grey Gardens. He had a free ride living in that house. And when the money ran out, so did Gould.
Your answer to Lilypad stating that you saw “Mounds of trash, feces, etc.” makes me wonder what movie you were watching. Certainly not the HBO movie. I checked your posting history, and this is the first time you have posted anything about Grey Gardens. There are several of us here who have been discussing GG both on this board and on that of the original documentary – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073076/ - for a long time. Many of us became acquainted with the history of Grey Gardens because of the HBO film, and I am one of them. People like lilypad and Carolcan have extensive information regarding the true history of Grey Gardens and the Edies. Their helpful posts have led me to do a great deal of research, and although I’m not an expert, I certainly have a great deal of knowledge regarding the truth about the Edies and what really happened at Grey Gardens. Unlike you. You are basing everything you said on a fictionalized movie. While HBO did a wonderful job in the portrayal of the Edies, they took a great deal of artistic license. They had to – who would want to watch a movie about two women living in a house and talking about their lives? But it’s people like you who are unable to distinguish the difference between facts and fantasy that are irksome. You’re very young and I’m sure that you actually believe that if you get into trouble, Falcor will sweep down and save you.
You said “Living in a home with in that kind of condition is a sign of mental illness. I never said her "mind was gone" I said she was mentally ill. It's very obvious she was.” “Oh, and having multiple animals in your home, stray cats, raccoons, opossums, is also a sign of mental illness.” “She was mentally ill. Nothing you will say will convince me otherwise.” Perhaps nothing any of us contribute will convince you, but you should certainly do some research before you start making such a fool of yourself. I think your screen name certainly says a lot about you. I have one final question for you. At what university did you obtain your psychiatric medical license?
Jesus Christ, are people SERIOUSLY this emotional about this?
Get a fvcking life. It's a fvcking movie, people are allowed to have differing opinions of things. Get over yourself.
Wow. This has just become funny.
Now I know what my friend was talking about when he warned me not to post in the IMDB boards because most people who post there have nothing better to do other than to argue about the most minute and dull facts that make no difference whatsoever in your pathetic little life. And then they freak out when they think you're "insulting" them.
You’re very young
" who has nothing better to do than to post on IMDB "
and you are here posting because.....................???
I am bored. But I don't spent my time getting upset over what strangers say and take them as insults and then go off on triads as to why I am right and why they are wrong. To get emotional about these things is sad.
shareI think she meant to type:
"became too reliant on her"
"...she became too reliable on him."
I believe what punxgurrl meant to say was "reliant" not "reliable". Reliant: when I rely on you, I am reliant; reliable means one can be relied upon.
I do believe that at one point Gould found Edie enchanting and fun. However, as time went on, she DID become too reliant on him. With the money vanishing, he also vanished.
"I do believe that at one point Gould found Edie enchanting and fun. However, as time went on, she DID become too reliant on him."
while she might have been fun for a while, i think she was incredibly high maintenance and not something most people could tolerate after a while.
her not having money would just have put him over the top so he took off.
I didn't catch a suggestion he was a gigolo. He turned away when she tried to kiss him. I think he was gay (in the closet, of course). He cared for Big Edie, as a friend, but he chose to split when their life together was no longer fun.
"He cared for Big Edie, as a friend, but he chose to split when their life together was no longer fun."
if he cared for big edie as a friend, he would have stayed around after the money was gone.
the money left and so did gould, he was a fair weather friend. the money and fun were connected, the parties ended and gould took off.
I totally agree - he was a fair weather friend. I just didn't agree with the gigolo or gold digger assertion.
shareWe're talking about Gould here, the piano player...not the husband of Edith!
shareI don't think so. I think they started hitting rough times with money which added to the marital problems. Big Eddie was having an affair with her piano man, and she was still quite eccentric. Ghould had money after the divorce and was still sending her money till he died.
I suffer from stockholmes syndrome with Pedo Bear.
"I don't think so. I think they started hitting rough times with money which added to the marital problems. Big Eddie was having an affair with her piano man, and she was still quite eccentric. Ghould had money after the divorce and was still sending her money till he died. "
i think you have gould mixed up with mr beale. gould was the piano player who lived with big edie for years until the money ran out.
Oops! Your right. I got them mixed up.
Ghoul and Eddie appeared in the Halloween scene. Ghoul was the vampire and Eddie was the pumpkin who knocked at the Grey Gardens' door. You must have missed that.
Nobody ever lies about being lonely.
IMO, he wanted to break free of Big Edie. She was very possessive and I guess her eccentricity wore him down.
"She was very possessive and I guess her eccentricity wore him down. "
i guess his patience with her wore thin when there was no more money for her to spend on him. the parties ended, there was no more fun just sitting around with her and having to focus on her every minute.
the perks were gone, the fun was over, why would a gay man stay?
I agree with Lilly. IMO he was a kept man who left when there was no more money left to take care of him.
Why does Andrew get to get up? If he get's up we'll all get up! It'll be anarchy!
Of course he left when the money was gone.Why do you think he was there in the first place? Big Edie spent plenty of money on Ghould, including an apt. in NY.
...Grace beats Karma