Lange's/Edith's singing in the 1930s scenes
Jessica Lange portrayed Patsy Cline on film in 1985 so we know she has (or had) a decent voice. I was surprised then to hear her singing so lousily as Big Edie during the 1930s' segments (I'm not talking about her in old age in the 1970s). Her voice was very weak, and uninspiring (although certainly her attempt at showmanship was game). Only Gould had a decent voice.
So my question is, was Lange portraying Edie's singing voice accurately (i.e., she was a wannabe of very slim vocal talents, a has-been, who mainly liked to be center stage with her accompanist in the midst of her coterie)?
Or, do you think Edie's voice in the 1930s was maybe better/stronger than that and Jessica Lange simply couldn't pull it off at her age?
By the way, I know that Big Edie was never a professional singer. But her singing during those 1930s' scenes wasn't even good enough for charming get-togethers in my opinion.
EDIT: The following thread seems to have answered my question already: