2nd worst in the series

Freddy vs Jason is the number one worst movie in the Friday the 13th series


Take it back Freddy vs Jason is 3rd forgot about Jason x!



I disagree. I actually didn't mind this one. And for my worst in the series list it would be a toss up between Jason X and Jason Goes to Hell for my number one worst slot.


I actually enjoyed the series apart from maybe Jason Goes to Hell. But I enjoyed it. And maybe when Jason stopped running. I guess him not running added more suspense? Jason Goes to Hell seems like it added to a sequel of Freddy vs Jason. But what about Jason X then, where does that stand? I think I liked all the films up to maybe Jason Goes to Hell. I didn't like a RoboJason. Then, a 2009 remake (I think?) came out. Supposedly, there's also another Jason movie being made again. I'll just stick to the originals (at least, up to Jason Goes to Hell. Or not.)


Freddy vs. Jason's actually my favorite of the Friday the 13th movies. It also has my favorite Jason.
