Was Landry mentally slow?

He seemed like it. Was this intentional? It was kind of hard to watch his character because I couldn't tell if he was meant to be that way or not. He was always tutoring others but he was super slow.


He wasn't slow. Just an extremely awkward guy.


Talks slow too though & always has a blank expression.


Like Todd in Breaking Bad?


Landry was portrayed as one of the characters on the show with common sense, and extreme intelligence. I definitely did not view him as mentally slow. As a reviewer put it, no character on Friday night lights had a clearer set of eyes, a fuller heart, and when push came to shove simply couldn't lose. I thought he was one of the characters to be admired completely, as he did almost nothing in the five years that made him seem in anyway malicious.


Lol except kill a guy.

No I think the actor just had a dumb looking face then. I liked when he left the show.


The point has already been made. Move along.


Yeah he killed a damn rapist, and stop him from raping, harassing, and stalking Tyra and several other women. Him slaying the rapist jumped him up a few ranks in my book.


I think he was playing up the good ole' bhoy role, not being slow....discount Matt Damon (cinema sins)

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


Didn't he tutor Tyra to good grades? He was smart.


He tutored Tyra in Math and Riggins in English. He was always portrayed as witty and extremely intelligent... never appeared slow to me.


He was extremely smart. Just socially awkward like many of the "Geeky" kids in High School.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!!


You mean Landry the honors student? That Landry?


He didn't seem smart at all, but it was probably just how he looked.

You can also be book smart and lack common sense or social skills.


While he was socially awkward he had both book smarts and common sense (more than anyone on the show actually... kid or adult). He even had some smart smarts..

What show where you watching?
