Tami's biggest flaw

She is so together in almost every aspect except when her "don't tell me I'm doing something wrong defense mechanism kicks in at full blast". It's really apparent when she outs the alligator tears.

Two examples of it are: Glenn is concerned about her walking the baby to school.
She gets into it with her sister Shelley about kids.
I guess she kind of has a reason to be concerned because of how much of a brat Julie turned in to.

It's all written into the script but Connie really makes it something special.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 258 more days left!


She only pissed me off a few times, but the absolute worst was when she targeted the English teacher for Julie. He never gave any indication of being interested in her and she tried to label him as a pedophile with no evidence.


The first time she saw them together they were alone in the classroom with the door closed with Julie sitting on his desk sharing food with him. The next time she saw them together was in the hallway laughing and him rubbing her arm and stuff I think. Dude was shady, and any parent seeing something like this would say something.

I don't even remember her specifically calling him a pedophile. Seemed like either the story got spun that way like the telephone game, or Julie just through that in there while she was freaking out. I think Mrs. Coach just said she didn't like what she was seeing, which was totally fair.
