Series Finale (Spoilers)
Ok I didn't watch when the show was live but I'm going to assume that they knew the show was ending and that's why we got the ending we did. but I'd really like to know how others felt about the final? WE're you happy, disappeared in it? Me personally it was a mixture of both.
1.I hated the fact that Tyra came back and that her and Landry didn't have a scene together. It would have been nice to see that maybe they were still friends.
2. I hated the fact that Tyra and Tim hook up, I never saw the chemistry with them, and honestly we never really saw them as couple the whole series, only that they broke up in like the first episode.
3. I really likes that Matt and Julie got back together.
4. I have mixed feelings on the Taylor's moving. I'm glad that Eric compromised, but then on the other hand its hard for me to think of them moving and not being in Dillion.
As a whole I liked the series and glad that I watched it.