How did this franchise fall so far?
Over the past four days I've rewatched all the Alien, Predator and AVP films (I'll watch Prometheus tomorrow) and I'm astounded as to how the franchise could fall to such a low standard.
Nine movies of which all had different directors, not one of them did multiple films (until Prometheus) possibly due to the long gaps between movies.
Looking back at the early directors though you had Ridley Scott, three time Oscar nominee. James Cameron, two Oscar nominee including one win. David Fincher, two time Oscar nominee. Sure Alien 3 wasn't very good but it wasn't his fault.
John Mctiernan never got such recognition but made Die Hard, one of the best action films ever.
Then we have the director of Predator 2, Stephen Hopkins he hasn't done anything worthwhile aside from Predator 2. The director of Alien Resurrection, Jean Pierre Jeunet went on to make a very acclaimed film Amelie a romantic comedy the complete opposite to what an Alien film should be.
AVP was directed by Paul Anderson, his best film he's made is Mortal Kombat. Why would Fox hire this guy to bring together two acclaimed franchises? AVPR was directed by the Strause Bros who had only directed music videos and commercials and went on to direct another horrid film.
They couldn't have at least got Paul Anderson back? AVP at least had some decent things going for it. AVPR was a cheap B movie with a cast I'd expect in a Friday the 13th film. I don't even get why they did that, AVP tripled it's budget, it didn't bomb so why make the sequel for two thirds the last one?
They couldn't get John Mctiernan to do it? He hasn't made anything in a decade.
Predators however wasn't bad though, the director hadn't really done anything notable either but Rodriguez was the best the franchise had got since Fincher. Movie was made for cheap but wasn't noticeable.
Prometheus had Ridley Scott back and made $400 million so I hope Fox takes another look at the franchise because it went from Oscar worthy directors making big budget acclaimed films that won Oscars to terrible films directed by hacks on a cheap budget with TV level actors.
All they had to do was make AVP in space with marines, R rated, good budget, good director and cast.