Shane Black's Predator sequel: title/setting/era?
I think Shane's movie is going to take place sometime after Predator 2 (1997 in universe year), after AVP/AVP:R (2004 in universe year), and after Predators (2010 in universe year). I'm not suggesting Shane's movie is going to be connected to the AVP movies, I don't think it will and I'm fine with that, but I don't think Fox is going to retcon the AVP movies out of existence either, which I think is good because I like them and so do a lot of other fans. I know the AVP movies are the dumber, trashier, cheesier, campier installments in the Alien and Predator franchise series, but it's a sci-fi/action/horror series, not The Godfather, so I don't see the big deal with a couple of ridiculous over the top installments in the series.
I think Shane's movie will have more than one Predator. I think the story is going to do what Predator 2 did, which is to be set in a near future relative to our real world year (maybe about 5-10 years in the future), and like Predator 2, I think it's going to be set in a city, with the major difference being not in Los Angeles but in a different city and with multiple Predators on the hunt. I think the city might be New York, but instead of another American city I'd prefer it if it'll be a foreign city, and one of the most violent cities in the world, either Baghdad, Rio de Jeneiro, or Mexico City, and of course I mean no offense to people from those cities, and don't mean to trivialize the issues the people of those cities have to deal with, but I'm of the position that it's okay to use real world issues as a backdrop for entertainment as long as it doesn't demean particular groups of people. As for a title, maybe 'Predators: Onslaught.'