AVP: Requiem = bad slasher movie

Anyone else besides me notice this film has a lot of similarities to bad horror slasher movies?

- Unlikeable, forgettable characters? Check.
- Horny teenagers as the main characters? Check.
- "Unstoppable" brute monster who's an idiot and reliant on everyone around being a bigger idiot than he is for the plot to advance? Check.
- Characters dying while having sex? Check.
- Characters unintentionally making matters worse? Check.
- Gory shock value for the sake of gory shock value? Check.
- Bad consistency throughout movie? Check.
- Bad special effects and filmmaking? Well the film is too dark to make much things out so check.
- Teenage douchebags beating up main character for no particular reason? Check.

Any other tropes I'm missing here? This was how Fox thought they would make up for the disappointing first AVP film? By taking a generic slasher script and have it reenacted by Aliens and Predators?

